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Michael Bürgel, Gerd Meinecke, Steffen Rißmann, Bernhard Hukelmann and Franz-Georg Gramann (from left) during the tour of HS Tumbler GmbH.

Shaking instead of stirring: Wesenberg mayor on fascinating visit to twin town Quakenbrück

At the invitation of the newly elected mayor of the city of Quakenbrück, Tülay Tsolak, and the mayor of the joint municipality of Artland, Michael Bürgel, Wesenberg's mayor Steffen Rißmann visited the Lower Saxony twin city of Quakenbrück these days. In addition to discussions about local politics in both cities, the German Institute of Food Technologies e. V. was visited, Strelitzius learned. The DIL is an industrial research institute with more than 150 companies from the fields of food production, mechanical engineering, metrology and process engineering as members. Among other things, the DIL conducts research on the production of vegan products and the improvement of existing food products.
Another fascinating tour took place at HS Tumbler GmbH, where a revolutionary world first was presented by Managing Director Bernhard Hukelmann: the trajectory mixer. It works on the principle of "shaking instead of stirring". The output in stirring, mixing and kneading processes is no longer limited by the available surface area of the stirrer. It is much easier and more efficient to use the inertia of the mass and to initiate volumetric shear forces, whereby the masses in the process vessel condition themselves with themselves. In the future, a great many machines for stirring, kneading, or mixing processes in research and industry, through food retail and manufactories, to savvy hobby cooks will be shaking, not stirring, the Quakenbrueckers are certain. Source: Strelitzius